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【How to Repay Debts on Sherolex】

How to repay debts?

To start, log in to your Sherolex account, click [Balance] on the upper right on the header menu and choose [Margin] to enter the corresponding page.

Next, select the coin you want to repay and click the [Borrow/Repay] button. Choose the amount and the balance (asset) you want to repay. You can choose to repay 100% of the amount that you’ve borrowed or repay part of it, but regardless which method you choose, the interest will be repaid first. Our system will start calculating the interest rate of your loan in the next hour based on your latest borrowed amount.


1.You need to repay the same coin as what you borrowed. For example, if you borrowed ETH, your account needs to have ETH when you make the repayment. You are not allowed to use other coins for repayment.

2.You do not need to repay everything at once, but every time you conduct a repayment, you need to repay the interest rate value first.