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Sherolex (Trend Rich Global Ltd) provides our customers with digital asset exchange service platform. Following statements include our web site’s user information and directory. Please read following statements carefully and take notice when you enter our web site and before you invest or trade. When you visit and use our web site It is understood by Sherolex that you have agreed to and read the following statements carefully. (Trend Rich Global Ltd has right to make additional change to the following statements.)

1. This web site provides platform for "only" digital asset exchange service using block chain technology. Please read our user information and advice before you start to use. "Only" you will be responsible for your own investment and trade actions, any wrong or careless investments are cannot be recovered by Sherolex.

2. It is our moral duty and in our best interest to protect our customer’s personal information. Therefore we will not share or give any personal information to the third party. However, if there is a case involving judicial agency or state governing body requesting particular information of our customer "we will contact our customer before hand" and accordingly we will give the requested information to the lawful and legitimate governing body that has made the official request.

3. Sherolex wants our customers to use our web site responsibly and take certain actions to protect the user’s log in and password information. If our customer has given or shared his or her user name, password and personal information carelessly to other party Sherolex will not be responsible for any lost information, fund or transaction.

4. Sherolex will place other responsible and honorable crypto currency related company’s web link on our web site to create friendly and useful network for our customers. But placed web links and related companies are cannot be taken as our client or related companies. There for we ask you to make clear and right decision when you visit and use other web sites that has linked to our web site. Sherolex cannot be responsible for any wrong or unintended actions done in our liked web pages.

Trend Rich Global Ltd